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We have a variety of needs here at the Center including Financial, Volunteers, and Practical/Material. And as it is with any team it takes those who are willing to invest their many different talents and resources working together to make a winning team.


No matter what God has gifted you with, if you are willing, we can use it to help those who are facing unplanned or surprise pregnancies, other difficult life situations, and learn parenting and life skills. Be part of the team!


There are many ways you can be involved, here are a few:



"The ladies at the center are all so nice. I have learned so much and they have helped me with diapers, and wipes, and everything my baby needs. I have 3 babies in diapers. I don't know how I would do this without the center! Thank you!"




Call: 405-247-4841

Text: 405-642-5364



508 W. Kentucky / P.O. Box 473   

Anadarko, OK 73005



Monday & Thursday 12pm to 5pm

Tuesday Evening 2pm to 5:30pm

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